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Three Wild Werewolf Tales Page 16

  Daniel shifted slightly, and he let out a quiet gasp. “So far, so good.”

  “This is just one finger,” Stephen muttered as he slid it in deeper. While he wanted to take his time, he also knew he couldn’t wait too long, or his dick would get harder from sheer anticipation. He added more lube, then carefully added the second finger, watching Daniel closely.

  Daniel closed his eyes and smiled, sighing happily. “Keep going.”

  The blowjob must’ve relaxed him, and Stephen kept moving and spreading his fingers inside of Daniel, hoping it had been relaxing enough. He grinned when Daniel pushed back onto his fingers with a groan. “Good spot?” he asked, nuzzling Daniel’s hair. Judging by the strong smell of arousal, it was a very good spot.

  “Yes,” Daniel hissed when Stephen started pushing his fingers in and out. “Oh God, yes.”

  Certain he had found Daniel’s prostate, Stephen pulled his fingers out to add more lube and a third finger. It didn’t go as smoothly as the first two, and Daniel winced, but soon he found the right spot again and Daniel was thrusting back, pushing against Stephen for more. He was more than ready to fuck Daniel, but he looked at his fingers, twisting and turning inside of Daniel, then down at his dick. Would the knot be too much? And as much as he wanted to prepare Daniel thoroughly, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. Willing his erection to go down the first time had been hard enough. “Daniel?”

  “Mm?” he groaned, clutching the sheets tight.

  “You ready?”

  When Daniel nodded, Stephen felt relieved and slowly pulled his fingers out, smiling when he let out a disappointed whimper.

  “Nice and easy,” he muttered, guiding his dick to where his fingers had been before, nudging Daniel’s cheeks apart.

  Daniel had turned his head to watch him, breathing fast. “Go on, do it.”

  He pushed in carefully, grunting when the head of his dick slipped in more easily than he expected. It wasn’t even fully hard, after all.

  Daniel gasped, but didn’t seem to be in pain and he nodded for Stephen to continue.

  It felt strange to push in with a half-hard dick, and Stephen knew it was that strangeness that kept him from becoming hard and his knot too big for Daniel to take. Because being inside of Daniel felt great, hot and tight and smooth and - and he should not be thinking about that. He slid in deeper, and rested his hand on Daniel’s waist, stroking him. Not too long before he’d have to push in his knot, and he hoped it would work, that Daniel wouldn’t be in too much pain.

  “Is that…” Daniel glanced up at Stephen, a question in his eyes, when the top of the knot brushed against his cheeks.

  Stephen nodded, his eyes on his dick. “Nearly.”

  Daniel inhaled sharply when Stephen tried to push the knot inside of him. “Keep going,” he insisted. “It just feels a little weird, is all.”

  Weird didn’t cover it. He slid his hand down Daniel’s back to spread his cheeks further and give himself more space. It looked weird as well, seeing the large bulge press against Daniel’s hole. They were gonna need more lube, and Stephen drizzled some of it onto his knot, then spread it further with his fingers, rubbing more around Daniel’s hole as well. He heard Daniel murmur a ‘thank you’, and then the other man pushed back against him. Stephen groaned, watching with wide eyes as the knot slowly but surely slid inside.

  “Fuck,” Daniel exclaimed, hitting the bed with his fist. “Fuck, that’s big.”

  “Too much?” He decided to pull back, but Daniel reached behind him and grabbed Stephen’s arm, squeezing it.

  “No,” Daniel panted. “Just need to get used to it. Keep going.”

  It was the look of determination on Daniel’s face that had Stephen listening to him. It was Daniel’s body, he knew how much he was able to take. He grabbed Daniel’s hip tight and pushed in hard, making him swear again. “You need to relax.”

  “I am,” he snapped, then patted Stephen’s arm. “I know, I know, but you try and relax when someone’s shoving a tennis ball up your ass.”

  “It’s not that big,” Stephen muttered, his thumb running soothing circles over Daniel’s hipbone.

  “Feels like it,” he grumbled, but he smiled. “Try again.”

  With gritted teeth he pulled back slightly to push in again, groaning when he felt his knot slide in further. A quick glance down at the way Daniel’s hole was stretched tight around the large bulge gave Stephen some relief. Most of the knot was in now, and he kissed Daniel’s shoulder. “Nearly there,” he murmured, kissing the back of his neck.

  Daniel shivered a little. “Do it. Take me.”

  It was incredible, the way those words and the desperation in that voice sent arousal coursing through him, and Stephen held Daniel tight as he pushed in again, letting out a surprised gasp when he felt his knot slide in completely. He lay still for a moment, panting as Daniel squeezed his arm hard. “Oh God,” he muttered. “Oh God.” They’d managed it.

  “It’s in?” Daniel asked, sounding incredulous as well.

  “It is.” Stephen relaxed his hold on Daniel’s hip, and pushed in until he couldn’t go any deeper, his body pressed tight against Daniel’s. “Completely.” Finally he could relax himself without having to worry over his erection, which was rapidly growing harder.

  Daniel groaned, arching his back against Stephen. “Oh fuck, it’s getting bigger.”

  Stephen wrapped one arm around Daniel, nuzzling his neck again. “How does it feel?” he asked, hoping desperately it would feel as good for Daniel as it felt for him.

  Daniel whimpered, his eyes closed. “So weird,” he muttered.

  He kissed Daniel’s neck, sucking on the sensitive spots he had found earlier, feeling pleased when his whimpers became louder.

  “Fuck, Stephen, it’s - mmm, so good.”

  He thrust in carefully, groaning with pleasure. God, this felt good, the tight heat of Daniel’s body stretched around his dick, his knot, and knowing it would be a long time before the two of them would separate. “You know this is going to take at least half an hour, right?” he managed.

  Daniel nodded, moaning when Stephen thrust deeper. “Yes! Yes, I know.” He laughed a little. “One of the reasons I wanted to try.”

  “I’m flattered,” Stephen told him, and kept thrusting. It was strange for him too, feeling the resistance if he tried to pull back too much, along with the friction against his knot. He could feel it throb, ever so slightly.

  “Feels better than - than I thought.” Daniel still had his eyes closed and was writhing against Stephen now, moving back when Stephen thrust in. “Much better.”

  “Anything else you want to try?” Stephen asked, his breath hot against Daniel’s jaw.

  “Mmm, plenty.” Daniel tilted his head back, moaning happily when Stephen bit down gently. “Harder! ”

  With a low growl, Stephen pushed in harder than before, grinning when Daniel moaned.

  “Again, deeper!”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. Soon, he found a good rhythm, one that had them both groaning in pleasure with every thrust, and soon Stephen felt his orgasm building. It wouldn’t be long, but he didn’t try to prolong it, he knew this wouldn’t be over any time soon. Judging by the way Daniel was breathing faster, he was getting close as well, and Stephen couldn’t resist lowering his hand until it wrapped around Daniel’s dick.

  Daniel bucked into his grip as Stephen pumped up and down, whimpering when Stephen’s hand touched his knot.

  Remembering how sensitive that had been earlier, Stephen ran his fingers across it lightly, not surprised when that pushed Daniel over the edge. Daniel’s eyes were closed, his face flushed as he came, and Stephen shuddered at the sensations around his dick. He thrust in, his hand landing on the sheets in front of Daniel for support and when he pushed in again, he felt it, the way the pleasure that had been building up crashed over him as he came as well, groaning into Daniel’s shoulder as his dick jerked inside of the other man. His orgasm
wasn’t followed by his usual afterglow, but he was still hard and eager, ready for more.

  Stephen pressed his lips against the skin between Daniel’s shoulder blades. “That was…”

  “Mmm,” Daniel agreed, turning his head slightly.

  It took some effort, but Stephen pushed himself up on his elbow to smile down at Daniel and kiss him. “I can’t wait to do that again.” Once he had his breath back.

  Daniel kissed him back happily, also smiling contently. “Why wait?” He gestured at his own groin, still as hard as before. “I’m ready.”

  Stephen had to admit he was a little surprised that Daniel’s knot was still swollen. He had always assumed that only happened if you were fucking someone, but not when you were getting fucked. It just showed that he definitely didn’t know everything about werewolves. “Insatiable.”

  Daniel’s grin widened. “Or if you want to change positions…”

  Stephen didn’t reply, preferring to kiss Daniel instead, running his hands over the other man’s chest, enjoying his soft moans. The angle was an awkward one, though, and Stephen pulled back, thinking to himself that he should’ve thought about this earlier. Still, he wasn’t about to complain with his dick up Daniel’s ass. “Actually, can you get onto your hands and knees if I move with you?”

  Daniel let out a brief snort. “You want to fuck me doggystyle? Really?”

  The joke wasn’t lost on Stephen, and he smiled. “If you’d rather stay like this, I don’t mind. It’s just easier to thrust harder and deeper that way.” Which was exactly what Daniel had asked for earlier.

  Without replying, Daniel was already shifting, pulling on Stephen’s arm to make him move along with him. There were a few times where Stephen was too slow and Daniel winced at the knot stretching him painfully, but soon he was on his hands and knees in front of him, and Stephen was glad his thigh wasn’t giving him any trouble. His main reason for wanting to fuck Daniel like this was because he wanted to have both his hands free rather than half-lie on one. He ran his hands up and down Daniel’s back, marvelling at how the wounds that had seemed so terrible a few nights ago were healing nicely now.

  Daniel shivered, moving back against him. “Come on, harder and deeper, that’s what you said.”

  He smiled at Daniel’s obvious impatience, and began to thrust again. There was something primal about fucking like this, and he loved having Daniel on his hands and knees in front of him, submitting to him and allowing Stephen to take him. It appealed to his wolf’s instincts as well, that desire to be on top, to be the dominant one. He knew that meant nothing outside of the bedroom, but fuck if he didn’t love it right now. “You asked for it.” He held Daniel’s hips with both hands, thrusting in as hard and as deep as he could, making Daniel moan.

  “Oh fuck, yes, like that, please, like that,” Daniel replied, his fingers digging into the sheets underneath him.

  He didn’t need to be asked, and he used his grip on Daniel to pull him back while thrusting in, grinning when Daniel’s arms were trembling. Daniel whimpered with every thrust, and Stephen knew his dick had to be throbbing. His own certainly was.

  A few more hard thrusts and Daniel’s arms buckled. He landed on his elbows, and Stephen stopped moving, leaning forward instead. “Don’t stop,” Daniel grunted, pushing his hips back demandingly.

  Stephen stared down at Daniel’s back, covered in a thin sheen of sweat now. He thrust in slowly at first, getting used to the different angle, and when Daniel swore at him to go faster, Stephen immediately did. Daniel might be kneeling, he was definitely the one calling the shots. Stephen was happy to obey him, as he loved thrusting in and out of Daniel, pulling back as far as he could without hurting the other man before pushing back in, harder than before and moaning as he did.

  “Yes, please, again,” Daniel murmured, his hips moving against Stephen’s eagerly. “Fuck!”

  His grip on Daniel tightened, pulling him closer. Stephen growled as he kept thrusting, slamming in hard, not satisfied until Daniel had stopped talking and was reduced to pure noise, soft whimpers with the occasional loud moan. Not that he was doing much better, words were impossible for him as well. He was so close to coming again, thrusting faster and faster, eager to feel that rush. He threw his head back when he came, burying his dick inside of Daniel as deep as he could, groaning in ecstasy.

  Daniel was still making desperate, pleading noises and Stephen breathed in and out a few times before he went back to thrusting, having needed the brief respite. It only took a couple of deep thrusts before Daniel came as well, hanging his head as he groaned.

  Only now did Stephen feel the pain in his thigh. While the wound had pretty much healed, it was sore. Underneath him, Daniel was still catching his breath. “I need to lie back down,” Stephen told him, and Daniel grumbled as they moved to lie on their sides again.

  “I was enjoying that,” Daniel muttered, then turned his head when Stephen didn’t reply. “Is something wrong? Is it your leg?”

  “It’s a little sore, that’s all.”


  He gave Daniel a quick smile when he heard the concern. “Should probably have been more careful.”

  “Probably,” Daniel agreed, reaching up to stroke Stephen’s cheek. “Or maybe you should’ve been more careful two nights ago.”

  The reminder of the fight he hadn’t lost on purpose stung, and Stephen moved his head away. “He attacked me.”

  “I know,” Daniel told him. “I was there. Hey, I was just kidding.” He reached for Stephen again, but his hand froze an inch away from Stephen’s skin when he noticed the scowl. “What is it?”

  “You really wanna talk about me losing to him now?” The timing couldn’t be worse. He had been feeling great, on top of the world even, and now Daniel’s reminder brought him crashing down. If he had fought harder then, they wouldn’t have had to go through all that effort last night.

  “No, not at all, I only said it because you mentioned being in pain.” Daniel looked worried now. “Is it bad?”

  “It’s fine,” he snapped. He wished he could pull out of Daniel and walk away so he wouldn’t have to be reminded of his humiliation.

  “It’s not fine,” Daniel insisted. “Look, I’m sorry, I know you couldn’t help it and did your best.”

  And his best hadn’t been good enough. “Forget it.” He lay back down, as far away from Daniel as he could, which wasn’t nearly far enough.

  “Stephen?” Daniel shifted, trying to look at Stephen. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, please tell me what’s wrong.”

  “What’s wrong,” Stephen replied, his voice dripping with annoyance, “is you bringing up one of the most embarrassing moments of my life while I’ve got my dick inside of you.”

  Daniel blushed. “I wasn’t thinking, I’m sorry,” he mumbled, then frowned. “Embarrassing?”

  “Yes!” he exclaimed. “I lost to McClanahan, after promising you to keep you safe, I fucking lost to that asshole. In front of you, in front of Richard… and McClanahan got away without a scratch.” That ear wound barely counted. “And then I had to lose to him on purpose!”

  “Oh, I see.” Daniel was smiling now, which only annoyed Stephen further. “Is it your ego or your leg that’s been injured the most?”

  It wasn’t funny. “It’s not like that.” This had nothing to do with his ego.

  “Isn’t it?” Daniel asked, moving backwards again. “You didn’t want to look weak in front of me.”

  “Of course not,” Stephen replied. He stayed still, because what was the point? His knot was still swollen and throbbing in Daniel’s ass, but fucking him right now was the last thing on his mind. “Or in front of Richard,” he added belatedly.

  “But mostly me.” Daniel smiled when Stephen didn’t reply. “I think I get it. I felt embarrassed when you first saw me and my wounds. I didn’t want to look weak in front of strange werewolves either, like I couldn’t take care of myself.”

  “I didn’t think you were weak
,” Stephen argued, but Daniel raised a hand to silence him.

  “But I thought you did. Hell, I thought I was weak and pathetic.” Daniel sighed, his smile fading. “I figured you were helping me only out of pity, but then you and the others put in so much effort, letting me stay… and I realised you were being genuinely nice and helpful.”


  “So,” Daniel continued, “I thought I was weak for running away rather than fight McClanahan. That a strong werewolf wouldn’t let McClanahan bite them, would fight back and win. I know it sounds really weird, but when you fought him and didn’t do so well, it was actually kind of reassuring.”

  Stephen was staring at him now, more confused than angry. “How?”

  Daniel shrugged. “That it wasn’t just me being weak. You’ve been a werewolf for over five years, you’re pretty strong, and McClanahan even beat you.”

  Stephen didn’t reply that that had more to do with McClanahan being a more experienced fighter rather than having been a werewolf longer. Although the latter helped of course. “But I failed to keep you safe.” If Richard had shown up five minutes later… Stephen didn’t want to think about that.

  “You fought back long enough,” Daniel said, reaching for Stephen now. He smiled when he wrapped his hand around Stephen’s wrist. “You stopped him from forcing me to come with him.”

  “Only because Richard was there, along with the others,” Stephen muttered. His anger had vanished. While the memory of losing was still humiliating, and no amount of Daniel could change that, he did feel slightly better after the explanation.

  “Isn’t that what you were saying all along? That a real werewolf pack looks out for each other?”

  “True,” Stephen said. It wasn’t like his own pack hadn’t warned him that fighting would be a bad idea. Still, Daniel was right, his fight with McClanahan had bought them time. He shifted to wrap his arm around Daniel. “Guess I got angry with you over nothing.”