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Three Wild Werewolf Tales Page 2

  Richard got up, his movement fluid and graceful. Sean tried to keep his eyes on Richard’s face rather than on his chest and the chesthair that Sean wanted to run his fingers through or the muscles of his stomach or the flaccid dick. How big would that be when erect? Were werewolf dicks different from regular guys’? “But you’re more than scared.”

  “Huh?” Sean said, blinking and looking back up. Richard moved closer, inhaling sharply through his nose.

  He was across the room in two long strides, and while Sean stepped back, he ended up against the wall and only his backpack between them. Richard’s stomach was brushing the back of Sean’s hands, and when Richard glanced down, he huffed before picking it out of Sean’’s arms and throwing it on the couch next to him. Sean dropped his arms, his hands on the wall behind him. “You’re aroused,” the werewolf said, moving closer until there were only a few inches between them. His hands were on either side of Sean’s head, Richard’s strong arms keeping Sean trapped.

  His trousers were baggy, how the fuck had he known? “You can smell that?” Sean asked, his voice cracking embarrassingly as he looked up at the older man. Now that Richard was this close, Sean could smell him too, the musk and a hint of sweat, the smell of the ground and the forest. It was a heady combination that Sean liked.

  Richard nodded slowly. “Oh yeah,” he said, his voice low. “Especially now.” He grinned. “We get a little more ravenous when the moon is full. I was gonna hunt deer tonight, but when I smelled a lost human, I figured I’d go after different prey.”

  Sean’s arms hung uselessly by his side as he let out a soft whimper. There was something commanding about Richard that made Sean want to roll over and beg like he was the dog. “You’re not going to eat me, are you?” he asked, his cheeks still red.

  “I’m not just hungry for food, kid,” Richard told him.

  “I’m not a child, for fuck’s sake!” Sean snapped. Just because this guy was maybe twice his age didn’t mean he could keep talking down to Sean, not if he wanted in Sean’s pants. “I’m 21.”

  Richard laughed, his golden eyes amused as they met Sean’s grey ones. His left hand slid down the wall, claws slightly scraping the wood and Sean shuddered at the sound. His large hand landed on Sean’s shoulder, heavy and solid, then ran it further down Sean’s rapidly moving chest and ending on his flat stomach. “You’re right,” he said. “Definitely not a child.”

  Sean remained quiet, wishing Richard’s hand would move further, and he shifted his hips slightly. “So, you wanna fuck me?”

  Richard’s golden eyes turned a shade darker. “And you wanna be fucked.” Again, Richard wasn’t asking him. He already knew.

  Sean’s dick jerked in his pants, nearly fully hard just from being close. “Yeah,” he said, nodding. This was exactly what he needed, to forget about his asshole ex-boyfriend. Richard being taller, hotter and more muscular than Charlie just made it all the sweeter.

  Richard simply grabbed him by the front of his t-shirt, then dragged him through to the bedroom and threw Sean on the bed.

  Sean was shifting to get comfortable, then froze when Richard joined him on the bed, hovering over him on hands and knees. Richard stared down at him for a moment, golden eyes dark and intense, then leaned down to nuzzle his neck. It wasn’t long before sharp teeth were scraping lightly at his skin, much like earlier when Richard had Sean pinned to the ground. “I wasn’t being dominant,” he whimpered, fear and arousal swirling around inside of him.

  “I know,” Richard said, and inhaled deeply. “I just like the scent of you, all aroused and desperate and still a little scared. Can’t wait to get you naked.”

  Sean couldn’t wait to get naked either, and he raised his hands to rest them on Richard’s stomach. His skin felt warm, and Sean began to stroke him, the hair that led to Richard’s groin coarse under his hands. “What’s stopping you?” he asked, and Richard let out a pleased growl against Sean’s neck.

  Richard leaned up, his eyes briefly meeting Sean’s, before grabbing the neck of Sean’s t-shirt and lifting it off his skin. His sharp nails made a tear and Sean’s eyes widened as Richard ripped the shirt apart, leaving Sean’s chest exposed. “Nothing,” he said, placing one large hand possessively on Sean’s chest.

  Sean raised his head, staring at Richard’s nails. He felt them against his skin, and he knew Richard could rip him apart as easily as he had the shirt. “Mind if I do the rest myself?” He didn’t want those claws anywhere near his groin.

  With a grunt, Richard moved to the side to let Sean up. Before Sean could reach forward for his shoes, Richard pulled the remains of his t-shirt off his shoulders and threw it on the floor.

  He felt Richard shift around on the bed as he untied his shoes with trembling fingers, dropping them on the floor as well. He started when Richard’s arms slid around his waist and worked on his belt. Richard’s beard scratched his shoulder, and Sean leaned back into the embrace, enjoying the feel of Richard’s solid chest against him.

  Together, they dealt with the rest of Sean’s clothes swiftly, Sean letting out a happy sigh when his dick was freed from his boxers, which were torn slightly by Richard’s claws as he pulled the underwear down impatiently. Once Sean was naked, Richard, still sitting behind him, ran his large hands up the inside of Sean’s thighs, stopping just short of his groin.

  Sean whimpered in frustration, his dick was hard and he wanted to be touched, although part of him was grateful Richard kept his claws at a safe distance.

  “You smell delicious,” Richard told him, nipping at Sean’s right ear. “You ever been fucked before?”

  He nodded, arching his back as Richard ran his hands over Sean’s hips before moving to stroke his stomach and chest. He moved his own hands back, resting them on Richard’s muscular thighs. “Oh yeah.” Even though Charlie had been a cheating asshole, he had also been pretty damn good in bed.

  Richard lowered his head to nuzzle Sean’s neck again, licking where his neck met his shoulder. “Good.” He bit down briefly on Sean’s shoulder, making sure not to pierce the skin.

  Sean leaned his head against Richard’s shoulder, giving Richard more space. “You, er, got a thing for necks?” he asked, as sharp teeth grazed his skin, worrying close to an artery. “Sure you’re not a vampire?”

  Richard snorted, his right hand patting Sean’s chest. “Funny. No, your scent is nice and strong here.” His arms tightened around Sean, and he lay back, taking Sean with him then turning them over so Sean was lying on his back.

  Sean tried to push himself up, but Richard placed one hand in the middle of his chest and pushed him back down with ease.

  “Stay still,” Richard told him, licking the hollow of his shoulder.

  Sean shivered, his aching dick brushing against Richard’s stomach, and waited, trying not to think of how Richard’s tongue felt longer and broader than Charlie’s.

  Richard kept his hand on Sean’s chest, then buried his nose in Sean’s right armpit. “The scent of fear is stronger here,” he murmured, licking Sean’s bicep. “Underneath your terrible deodorant.”

  Sean grunted with annoyance. “Shut up.”

  Richard bit down briefly on Sean’s arm before moving down his body, nipping and scraping his teeth across Sean’s stomach, making Sean hiss and squirm and hope that Richard knew not to bite down too hard. Richard’s hand slid further down to his stomach too. He paused when he reached Sean’s groin and for a moment, Sean hoped Richard was about to suck him off, because sharp teeth or not, his dick needed some attention. But instead, Richard simply nuzzled him down there, breathing in and letting out a satisfied growl.

  Sean moaned, spreading his thighs and hoping Richard got the hint. “Please.”

  Richard’s tongue swept over his balls instead. “You don’t need to tell me you’re desperate, I can smell it.”

  Sean let out a soft whine. He needed more than this. His hands were digging into the blanket underneath him as Richard licked him again.

; Richard sat up, grinning down at Sean before using his strong arms to turn Sean to lie on his stomach.

  Sean didn’t struggle, because so far things were working out well, although he kept an eye on Richard as the other man moved to crouch over him again. “What are you doing?” he asked. He was very aware that his ass was exposed, and expected Richard to force a finger or worse, his dick, inside of him. Sean hoped Richard had the common sense not to use his claws like that.

  Richard ran one large hand from Sean’s lower back across his ass down to his right thigh. “You will enjoy this,” he said, and from the corner of his eye, Sean watched as Richard lowered his head again.

  He cried out when he felt the wet tongue on his ass, and he squirmed to get away. It felt weird, and Richard’s large hands kept his hips in place and stopped him from moving.

  “Lie still,” Richard growled, then lowered his head again. His hands moved to spread Sean’s cheeks, and then Sean felt Richard’s tongue, licking a wet stripe from Sean’s balls to the top of his ass.

  Sean whimpered, squirming again, but this time he moved towards Richard. It had felt oddly good, the rasp of wet tongue across that sensitive flesh. “What is – are you – oh God!”

  “I’m preparing you,” Richard told him, his tongue once again licking Sean’s hole, making Sean writhe underneath him.

  While Sean had never had anyone lick him there, it was more obvious than before that Richard’s tongue was unusually long and broad. Soon, Sean’s hole was slick, fluid dripping down to his thighs, and all Sean could do was tilt his hips and beg for more because fuck, he loved the way Richard’s tongue caressed him there. “Don’t stop,” he moaned.

  Richard chuckled, low and smug, and licked Sean again. Richard’s tongue ran across his hole, then circled around it.

  Sean whined, helpless as pleasure washed over him. Rimming had never seemed appealing to him, but now that Richard was doing it to him, Sean found himself loving it. It was incredible, the touch of Richard’s tongue, how slick and wet it all felt. The feeling went straight to Sean’s dick. “Fuck, Richard, please!” He was trying to get his knees underneath him so his dick wouldn’t be trapped between his body and the blanket, but his thighs were trembling as Richard licked him thoroughly.

  Richard merely growled, and Sean shivered as he felt and heard it. “You’re not ready,” was all the werewolf said, before diving down to lick Sean’’s asshole again.

  Sean thought he was more than ready, moaning as Richard’s tongue pressed against his hole and even managed to slip inside. “Please!” he panted. His dick was aching and he needed a reprieve just so he could get up on his hands and knees. He sobbed as Richard’s tongue slid inside, and he wanted more. He needed more.

  He heard Richard breathe in. “You need it, don’t you?” Richard murmured, kissing the left of Sean’s cheeks. “So desperate for relief.”

  “Fuck me,” Sean said, spreading his thighs further. Richard’s large hands were stroking and caressing his hips and thighs, and when Sean realised that Richard wasn’’t about to start licking him again, he managed to get his knees underneath him properly, and pushed himself up.

  Richard was stroking the inside of his thigh, never coming close enough to Sean’s dick. “Look at you, begging for it.”

  Sean grit his teeth. He didn’t care he was being a bottom, he had never cared about any of that. All Sean was interested in was finding someone who could give him pleasure as well. “So do it,” he snapped. “Fuck me.”

  Richard let out a happy rumble, his hands moving to grab Sean tight.

  Sean looked back over his shoulder to see Richard kneel behind him. He shifted to spread his thighs even further. His hole felt so wet, so thoroughly licked, that Sean knew he wouldn’t need lube to take Richard’s dick, even if it was massive. He craned his head, wanting to see. He hadn’t actually seen Richard’s dick since it had been flaccid, and Sean was curious.

  “Stay calm,” Richard told him, his right hand moving to stroke Sean’s lower back.

  “I am calm,” Sean told himself as much as Richard. He breathed in deep only to let it out again. He knew how to relax before being fucked. “I’m ready.”

  Richard’s left hand tightened to spread Sean’s ass. “That’s what you think,” the older man said, diving back in to lick between Sean’s cheeks.

  Sean cried out, both from frustration and how good it felt. “Do it,” he said. “Just – I can take it, you can fuck me.”

  Richard either hadn’t heard him or ignored him, his long, broad tongue circling Sean’s hole until Sean was moaning and spreading his thighs further.

  “Please,” he whimpered. “Please, fuck me.” He needed something inside of him, something more than a tongue.

  He gasped when Richard pushed his tongue inside again, a teasing hint of how good a hard dick could be, and Sean arched his back into it.

  “Richard!” he managed, more a choked sob than words.

  “You taste so good,” Richard told him, as Sean was catching his breath. He stroked Sean’s sides, large hands caressing Sean until he calmed down a little. “So eager for it, aren’t you? So willing to be fucked.”

  Sean wasn’t surprised when Richard sniffed him again. “I’m ready, seriously,” he said, his arms trembling as his hands were gripping the blanket underneath him. He could feel something wet drip down his thigh again, proof of how thoroughly Richard had licked him open. How much more would he have to take? How much more teasing could he stand? His dick was hard and aching, and Sean suspected that, given enough time, Richard could make him come by simply licking and pleasuring his hole. He kept that thought to himself, not wanting to give Richard more ideas.

  “Yeah, you are,” Richard told him, swiping his long tongue up one last time.

  Sean’s grip on the blankets underneath him tightened, prepared for pain, but the other man’s dick slipped in quite easily. It felt different from Charlie’s, not quite as hard. Panting, he looked over his shoulder. He saw Richard look down, focused completely on sliding in deeper, but Sean could see enough of Richard’s dick to know it wasn’t hard, not entirely, and that there was a weird bulge at just above the base.

  Richard finally looked at Sean. “It’s easier this way,” he said.

  Sean nodded, part of him too relieved at finally having a dick up his ass after all the preparation to complain. Richard had to be pretty damn worried about Sean’s ability to take his dick if he was going in half-hard. It was frustrating to feel Richard’s dick slide in deeper, because while it barely hurt, it didn’t feel good either.

  Richard grunted happily when he was fully inside, his balls hot against Sean’s ass. “Finally.” His right hand was stroking Sean’s lower back, the left was resting on Sean’s hip.

  The weird bulge he had noticed earlier was now inside of him, and Sean wasn’t sure what to make of it. He hadn’t seen anything like that on anyone else’s penis. Was it a werewolf thing?

  Slowly Richard began to thrust, and his dick became harder inside of Sean. “Oh yes,” he muttered.

  Sean’s eyes were widening, because he had never felt this before. He could actually feel Richard’s dick grow, and it moved deeper with every shallow thrust. The bulge at the base was growing most of all, pressing against his insides until it became almost painful. “What – what’s that?” Sean asked, worried.

  “Knot,” Richard grunted, still thrusting shallowly.

  Now that Richard’s dick was hard, it finally felt good to be fucked by him, but Sean was too busy worrying about the knot. It was still growing and it definitely hurt now. He moved forward as Richard moved back, and screamed in pain. The bulge was too big for his hole, it would tear him open if he tried to move further. “The fuck?” he yelled.

  Richard actually laughed. “Told you, knot.” Now the shallow thrusts made sense, Richard had known all along.

  He let out a soft whine. “Why?” he asked, panting and moaned when Richard’s dick brushed his prostate on the next thrust.<
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  “Werewolf,” Richard replied, as if that was obvious. “Means I can’t pull out until it’s gone down again.”

  Sean whimpered at the feeling of the knot moving inside of him. “How long?”

  “Could be thirty minutes, could be an hour.”

  “Fuck,” he managed, closing his eyes. Was he gonna get fucked for that long? Would Richard stay hard the entire time? The thought sent a spike of arousal through him. He groaned, his hips pushing back against Richard automatically for more. He wanted a long, deep stroke. He wanted Richard to pull out almost entirely only to slam back in hard. The shallow thrusts were driving him crazy, the knot nearly brushing his prostate, and his fingers were digging into the blanket underneath. “Fucking hell.”

  Richard shifted, moving forward to rest his hands close to Sean’s, his heaving chest against Sean’s back. He nuzzled Sean’s neck again, nose in Sean’’s hair, and inhaling. “You like that, don’t you?” he asked, his voice rough. “Getting fucked that long, unable to get away.”

  “Yes,” he admitted, cheeks turning even redder. The shallow thrusts had him on edge already, but they weren’t enough to send him over it, and he sobbed.

  Once again, Richard’s teeth were grazing the back of his neck, making Sean shiver. “You like that too,” Richard said, tongue coming out to lick him.

  Sean could only moan. “Please, I need more, need it harder, deeper,” he begged, bucking up against Richard and pushing up with his shoulders in his frustration.

  Richard’s teeth dug into his skin, and he growled a warning.

  He shuddered, and kept still. It was difficult with his trembling arms, but finally Richard released him. “I want to come,” Sean pleaded. He was still on edge, still driven crazy by the shallow thrusts.

  “Ssh,” Richard murmured, and lifted his right hand off the blanket and placed it on Sean’s thigh, stroking him.

  He whimpered softly when Richard’s hand moved up his thigh and towards his aching dick. “Be careful,” he managed, thinking of the claws.