Three Wild Werewolf Tales Read online

Page 6

  Nathan narrowed his eyes. “Seriously, you know my work is crazy and I rarely have to be in your new neighbourhood. You work part-time, you have plenty of time to swing by and pick up your crap!” He huffed. “I mean, you had plenty of time to cheat on me for two months.”

  Nathan hadn’t mentioned Chris being a cheater, and Alex let out a quiet growl. If there was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was disloyalty, especially now. Wolves looked out for their pack mates, and Nathan had taken care of him last night.

  “At least he had time for me,” Chris sneered. “And yeah, your fucking job always had to come first, didn’t it? You always felt you were better than me. Well, I hope you’re fucking happy in this middle of nowhere town, can’t be long before the hicks get you.”

  He had had enough. “You must be Chris,” Alex said, stepping into the room calmly. He smiled at them both, then casually walked over to the counter to stand next to Nathan. “Nathan’s told me about you.”

  Chris huffed as he sized Alex up. “Did he?”

  Alex kept smiling in a friendly manner, fighting the urge to bare his teeth and growl. Let Chris draw his own conclusions. “Got an earful just then too.”

  Nathan hung his head. “Sorry you had to hear that, I didn’t mean to –”

  “That’s all right.” Alex cut him off, and slipped one arm around Nathan, pulling him closer. “I know how passionate you can get.” He ran his hand up and down Nathan’s side over his t-shirt, then left it on Nathan’s hip.

  Chris’ bright blue eyes darted from Alex to Nathan and back. “Who the fuck even are you?”

  “I’m Alex.” He held out his other hand, but Chris didn’t shake it.

  “What are you doing here?” Chris demanded, glaring up at him.

  Alex forced himself to remain calm, even as the wolf inside wanted to tackle Chris to the ground and show him who was in charge here. “Isn’t it obvious?” he asked, then slid his hand up under Nathan’s shirt. The move resulted in a quiet gasp from Nathan, and Alex’ smile grew.

  Chris snorted derisively, then looked at Nathan. “Didn’t take you too long to move on, did it? Or were you fucking him while we were still together?”

  “For fuck’s sake, Chris, not everyone’s a cheating asshole like you.” Nathan leaned into Alex now. “I only met Alex last night, and he spent the night here. It’s none of your business.”

  Alex’ mouth twitched with held back amusement. “And a wonderful night it was too,” he added, stroking Nathan’s smooth skin with his fingers. He must’ve hit a sensitive spot, because Nathan shifted a little and the scent of his arousal became stronger. Alex kept stroking the same spot in slow circles, happy with how this was going so far. “Wasn’t it, Nathan?”

  “Great,” Nathan said, looking slightly flustered as Alex lowered his head to nuzzle Nathan’s hair.

  Chris quietly glared at them, and Alex happily kept up the façade until Chris stomped off, muttering to himself.

  “Is he gone?” Alex asked, his nose still buried in Nathan’s hair. It smelled nice, with the faint scent of other animals that no shampoo could ever fully remove.

  “Yeah, he went upstairs.” Nathan smiled up at him, then sniggered. “I know, I’m supposed to be an adult and handle breaking up like a grown-up, but that was fun. I’ll go after him, tell him where his things are.”

  Nathan immediately ran off, and Alex missed his warmth by his side. “Don’t get dragged into another fight!” Alex called after him.

  Nathan gave him a quick nod before going into the hallway.

  Alex hoped Nathan would return quickly. The more touching they did, the better. He had smelled Nathan’s arousal grow as he had stood next to Alex, letting himself be touched.

  “He asked me if I could help him carry the two bags down the stairs,” Nathan announced, entering the living room again a few minutes later. “I said I should get back to my guest. He didn’t like that much.”

  When Nathan wandered into the kitchen, Alex immediately pulled him in, turning them so Nathan’s back was against the kitchen counter, Alex’ hands on either side of him, his arms keeping Nathan trapped. It had been the same position Nathan had been in earlier when Alex had watched him argue with Chris, but there was no anger now, only surprise and lust. Nathan gulped, looking nervous, his heartbeat increasing.

  “He, er, will probably be struggling with those bags for a while,” Nathan said, his hands clutching the edge of the counter. “There’s no need to…”

  “No need to what?” Alex asked, smiling down at Nathan. Nathan wanted him, his scent made that very clear, but he was also anxious and nervous. Maybe he was still a little scared of Alex, who wasn’t only a stranger, but also strange.

  Nathan’s tongue darted out to lick his lips, and Alex’ eyes followed the movement before meeting Nathan’s eyes again. “To, y’know, act like my one-night-stand,” he muttered, cheeks flushed.

  “I think it’s very important we keep the act up even when Chris isn’t here,” Alex told him, keeping his voice low. “Makes it more convincing when he returns. And besides, I already told you I’m not doing anything I didn’t already want to do to you.” He added the slightest hint of a growl to the last few words, and Nathan swallowed hard.

  “That’s – that’s good,” Nathan managed, staring up Alex with wide eyes.

  Alex leaned in to give him a chaste peck on his lips, waiting for Nathan to respond. When, after a few seconds, Nathan still hadn’t, Alex was about to pull back, feeling disappointed. But then Nathan moved, pressing himself closer.

  Alex smiled as Nathan finally kissed him back. His glasses were digging awkwardly into Alex’ face, so he pulled away briefly to take those off. A flash of disappointment crossed Nathan’s features, then he nodded in understanding. He took the glasses from Alex, folding them neatly and sliding them along the kitchen counter, out of their reach. “Just being careful,” he said, smiling a little. “Wouldn’t be the first pair I’ve broken because of…” He looked up at Alex, and leaned in for another kiss.

  His hands rested on Nathan’s waist now, sliding up underneath his shirt again. Nathan let out a happy noise at that, and Alex deepened the kiss, pressing firmly against Nathan.

  Nathan lifted his arms, resting them on Alex’ shoulders first, then they both ran down Alex’ chest and flat stomach, Alex smiling as Nathan was stroking him. He didn’t need to be a werewolf to know Nathan wanted him. He tightened his grip on Nathan’s waist and lifted him up on the counter.

  Nathan looked surprised for a moment, then grinned when he realised they were now face to face and he didn’t need to lean up to kiss Alex. He wrapped his arms around Alex’ neck and pulled him in for a kiss, sliding his tongue against Alex’.

  Alex groaned as Nathan’s legs spread, allowing Alex to move closer. Nathan hooked his right leg around Alex’ thigh, pulling him in and Nathan whimpered into the kiss as their groins brushed against each other. Alex’ hands skimmed the top of Nathan’s ass, his fingers caressing and stroking until Nathan was shivering in his arms and moaning quietly.

  They both needed their breath, and Alex broke the kiss. Then, he kissed a path down Nathan’s cheek, towards his jaw and further down. Nathan tilted his head back, groaning when Alex’ teeth grazed his neck. “Alex...” he whimpered, and it was the sweetest sound Alex had heard in ages.

  He growled, inhaling the scent of Nathan’s arousal as he nuzzled his neck. His hands slid further down Nathan’s ass, fondling the firm flesh until his hips were moving impatiently against Alex, his hard dick rubbing against Alex’ through the fabric of their clothes. He needed more, he needed to be buried to the hilt inside of Nathan and fuck him hard.

  There was a pointed cough that was repeated twice before Alex finally raised his head to look at Chris, who was now glaring daggers at them both. Two large garbage bags rested at his feet. “Sorry for interrupting,” he sneered.

  “Oh, you’re done already,” Nathan replied, his lips slick and swollen from the kisses.
r />   “Goodbye,” Alex told him, then bit down carefully on the sensitive spot where Nathan’s neck met his shoulder.

  Nathan shuddered against him. “Bye, Chris!” he managed.

  “You know what, I am really glad I dumped your ass.”

  “What, no, you didn’t.” Nathan pushed at Alex, annoyed, and jumped off the counter. “I realised you were cheating on me and dumped your ass.”

  Alex watched as Nathan glared up at Chris. He had to give it to the shorter man, he knew how to stand up for himself. He kept a careful eye on the two of them, just in case, annoyed that Chris had ruined a very promising make-out session.

  “No, you said I was cheating on you, I admitted to it and then I broke up with you,” Chris told him, smug now. “You probably missed it because you were too busy shouting at me about me sleeping around. Pot calling the kettle black much?” He nodded at Alex.

  Alex curled his hands into fists. Chris was really pushing it.

  From the looks of it, Nathan had had enough too. “Are you even still with the guy you cheated on me with?” he asked.

  “That’s not the point,” Chris said, then opened his mouth to say something else, but Nathan cut him off.

  “Okay, maybe it isn’t. But if you think that you sleeping with someone else while we were together and me sleeping with someone after we broke up is the same thing, you need to think again,” Nathan told him, folding his arms. “I don’t care if you cheated on me with one guy or ten, you were still in the wrong.”

  Chris eyed Alex warily. “You really weren’t sleeping with this guy before we broke up?”

  “No!” Nathan exclaimed, grabbing the two garbage bags and shoving them at Chris. “You know why? Because I know that being loyal and honest with each other is important in a relationship. You should’ve told me you weren’t happy with the way things were going. I would’ve tried to change things.”

  “Wouldn’t have worked, though, would it?” Chris replied quietly, sounding bitter as he took the bags. “You still wouldn’t have had time for me.”

  Nathan looked pained now, and sad. “Chris, I don’t want to have this argument again.”

  Chris huffed. “Yeah, there’s no point to it, is there? You’re never gonna fucking change. The job always comes first.”

  “Yes, because I’m a vet and sometimes there are emergencies,” Nathan snapped. “You knew that when you met me, Chris.”

  “I knew you had a busy job, I didn’t know you were a self-absorbed workaholic asshole.”

  Nathan took a deep breath in, slowly letting it out. “Leave. Take your things, and go.”

  Chris smirked as he walked into the hallway. “Can’t stand that I’m right, can you?”

  Alex rubbed at his face as Nathan repeated that Chris should leave. The smell of anger was strong, from Chris and Nathan, and he hoped there wouldn’t be a physical fight. He walked over to the doorway, just in time to see Nathan closing the door after Chris.

  “How fucking dare he,” Nathan grumbled, clenching his fists and pacing up and down the hallway. “I’m self-absorbed?” He let out a huff. “Seriously, I’m self-absorbed?” He was even glaring at Alex now.

  “He’s gone now,” Alex told him, reaching out to put a hand on Nathan’s shoulder to stop him from pacing. Nathan was shifting on his feet, restless. “And I’m guessing he won’t be back.”

  “That fucker definitely won’t,” Nathan spat, glaring at the door before turning to Alex. A flash of insecurity crossed his face. “You don’t think he’s right, do you? About me being a workaholic?”

  Nathan was still thrumming with tension, but not the kind of tension Alex was hoping for. He smiled at the vet. “Well, you do tend to bring your work home with you...”

  Nathan stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Yeah, I guess I do.” His shoulders were shaking as he laughed. The anger was sliding off him now. “Although you are a better kisser than my usual patients.”

  Alex smiled, happy the tension was broken. “Really?”

  “Yeah, there’s a few enthusiastic dogs who’ll lick any part of me they can reach,” Nathan said, smiling fondly.

  He rubbed Nathan’s shoulder, and he moved closer. “Chris interrupted me before I could get to that,” he said, and Nathan’s eyebrows rose.

  “Well, he’s gone now, so I guess it doesn’t matter,” Nathan said quickly, his cheeks slightly flushed. “Thanks, by the way, for helping out.”

  He kept rubbing Nathan’s shoulder, his thumb stroking the bare skin of Nathan’s neck. “No problem, I only did what I wanted to do.” He edged closer, only half a foot of distance between them. “You didn’t object.”

  “Of course I didn’t,” Nathan blurted out, then gulped. “I mean, I was – I was trying to convince Chris that we – that you were a one-night-stand.”

  Alex quickly moved his hand to wrap around the back of Nathan’s neck, and pulled him in for an intense kiss.

  Nathan leaned against him, moaning as Alex’ tongue slid against his, his hands resting on Alex’ chest. He whimpered when Alex pulled back. “You don’t need to do that anymore,” he said, biting his lip, which only made Alex want to kiss him some more.

  “No, but I want to,” Alex told him, smirking when Nathan’s arousal increased sharply. “And you do too.” He turned Nathan so he was backed against a wall.

  Nathan gasped when Alex held him like that. “You, er, got a thing for keeping me trapped?” he asked, his face flushed.

  “Just making sure you can’t get away from me,” Alex said, holding Nathan’s gaze, then smiled. “Unless you want to?” Because for reasons that Alex couldn’t think of, Nathan might not want to have sex with him, and Alex would respect that. He’d hate it, but he’d respect it.

  Nathan slowly shook his head, then leaned up to kiss Alex, his arms sliding around Alex’ waist, resting on his back.

  Alex slid his hand up into Nathan’s brown hair, stroking him there until Nathan moaned happily into their kiss, pressing their bodies together. He felt a bulge grow hard against him, and he thrust back, making Nathan whimper. Alex’ dick was hardening too, and that reminded Alex that during this time of the month, he didn’t exactly have a normal dick. “Nathan,” he said, wanting to explain, but not knowing how to.

  Nathan smiled up at him. “Bedroom.”

  Alex wasn’t going to argue with that.


  They fell down on Nathan’s bed, Nathan straddling Alex so he could kiss him and pull his shirt over his head at the same time.

  Alex nuzzled Nathan’s neck, kissing and licking a path down to his shoulder, then turned them so he was on top.

  Nathan squirmed underneath him, a wide grin on his face as Alex’ hand ran down his stomach. “Clothes,” he muttered, his own hands pushing at the waistband of Alex’ sweatpants. “Off.”

  Alex brushed Nathan’s hands off him, then moved back to pull down Nathan’s striped pyjama bottoms along with his boxers. He paused briefly to admire Nathan’s naked body, all spread out for him. Nathan’s dick was fully hard, and Alex wasted no time leaning down to lick Nathan’s dick, one stripe from base to tip.

  “Alex!” Nathan panted, thrusting up his hips.

  The scent of arousal was overwhelming here, pure sex and need. Alex breathed in deeply, growling with pleasure. He licked the tip of Nathan’s dick again, then opened his mouth to suck the hard, thick length further.

  “Oh fuck, fuck yes,” Nathan moaned. He lifted his head briefly to look at Alex, then dropped his head back on the sheets. “More, please, come on.””

  Nathan’s scent became desperate as he thrust into Alex’ mouth, and Alex let him do that before giving his dick one last lick and sitting up.

  “Alex.” Nathan’s chest was rising and falling rapidly now and he looked up at Alex, confused. “Why d’you stop?”

  He remained quiet for a long moment. He had to tell Nathan about knotting, it wasn’t fair not to warn him. He sat up and pushed his sweatpants down. He watch
ed Nathan’s face closely, and knew the other man had noticed that Alex’ dick was a little different. Alex looked down himself. Since he wasn’t fully hard, the bulge at the base of his dick wasn’t completely swollen, but it was clearly visible.

  Nathan pushed himself up, his legs open with Alex kneeling in between them. “Is that...” He swallowed. “Do you have a knot?””

  Alex nodded. Nathan was still very aroused, but that could easily change. “Yeah, around the nights I transform,” he said. “It’s completely normal the rest of the month.” He needed Nathan to know that.

  Nathan leaned closer, completely fascinated. “Wow,” he said, staring at Alex’ half-hard dick. “So if you fuck me and it swells up more...”

  “We’ll be stuck together for a while,” Alex replied. Nathan was taking it well. Very well, even.

  Nathan considered that. “So you’d have to slide in half-hard,” he said, “or leave the knot outside my ass.”

  “Pretty much.” Alex watched Nathan still watching his dick. He was starting to feel a little awkward about it himself now. “I get it if you want to stop or ––”

  Nathan held up his hand. “No, no, I didn’t say that...” He looked intrigued more than anything. “Have you ever fucked a guy with it before?”

  Alex shook his head. “No, you’d be the first.” He had seen how big his knot could get when his dick was fully erect, and he was pretty sure that while it would be painful, it wouldn’t harm Nathan.

  “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious,” Nathan said. He looked back up at Alex. “This is such a bad idea...”

  He wasn’t saying ‘no’ or looking disgusted, and Alex’ dick became harder. “I’m gonna need lube and some condoms.” He pushed his sweatpants off his feet, and swept them onto the ground with the rest of the clothes.

  Nathan rolled onto his stomach and reached for his nightstand, throwing Alex a bottle of lube and a packet. “Is a condom even gonna fit around your knot?” he asked, looking at Alex expectantly.

  “I’ve no idea,” Alex said. Condoms were famously made to stretch, so with some luck a knot was no problem. He opened the cap to the lube first. “First things first, though, let’s get you ready.” He grinned down, grabbing Nathan by his hips and pulling him closer.