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Three Wild Werewolf Tales Page 7

  Nathan smiled back, happy to be lying on his back in front of Alex, legs spread and waiting.

  Alex immediately coated two fingers with the lube, rubbing them against each other to warm it up. He slipped in his index finger first, groaning at how easily it went in. Fuck, Nathan wasn’t going to require much preparation at this rate.

  “Keep going,” Nathan murmured, his eyes closed.

  He reminded himself he had to get his dick inside of Nathan before it was fully hard. That would be difficult if he had to keep looking down at Nathan, at his lean, naked body and the way Nathan was gasping as Alex inserted another finger. Nathan was still hard, his back arched in pleasure. The second finger went in with some difficulty, and Alex watched pain briefly flit across Nathan’s face. He pushed his two fingers in further, moving them around until Nathan gasped.

  “Right there,” Nathan moaned, his eyes still closed. “Fuck, right there!”

  Alex was panting. He had to get inside of Nathan before his knot was too big, and he quickly pulled out his lubed up fingers to put the condom on. He ignored Nathan’s disappointed moan. “Sorry,” he muttered, and took hold of Nathan’s hip with one hand, lining up his semi-hard dick with the other. He groaned as he slid inside. It was weird to fuck someone when not fully hard, and he had managed to roll the condom down past the slowly growing knot.

  Nathan stayed still, but his eyes opened when he felt Alex’ knot against his hole. “Is that...”

  “Yeah.” Alex was trying to think of other, disgusting things to make sure he didn’t become harder. Judging by how difficult it was already to get the knot past Nathan’’s tight opening, the knot really shouldn’t be any bigger.

  Nathan whimpered underneath him. “Alex,” he hissed. “Be careful.”

  Alex huffed, his wolf side howling at him to simply shove harder, deeper, to get his dick in there and fuck this gorgeous man. He growled and grabbed the lube, quickly putting some on his fingers so he could spread it around Nathan’s hole and his own dick. He pulled out a little, making sure there was lube on his knot as well. Nathan felt so hot around him, so tight, so... he shook his head. Be careful.

  “Try again,” Nathan said, panting now. He lifted his head to look as Alex pushed in again. It went much smoother this time, although the knot still didn’t go in easily. Nathan groaned as it slid inside.

  Alex leaned forward, resting his elbows on either side of Nathan’s shoulders. “Good?” he asked. Because he definitely felt good, and now that he didn’t need to hold back, he relaxed and let his dick grow harder. His knot swelled inside of Nathan, pushing against his walls. The need to fuck him became stronger too.

  Nathan nodded. His eyes were wide as he felt the knot swell too. “Fuck...” he whispered, awe in his voice.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” Alex murmured, warmth sweeping through him when he realised that yes, Nathan really was into this. He leaned down to lick his neck, growling happily at Nathan’s strong arousal. He thrust deeper, making the other man moan.

  “Oh yes, yes.” Nathan leaned his head back, and wrapping his legs around Alex, pulling him close like he had done in the kitchen. “That feels so good.”

  Alex opened his mouth to let his teeth graze Nathan’s neck, remembering how Nathan had liked that earlier, and he was pleased when it resulted into a moan.

  Nathan’s arms wrapped around Alex and came to rest on his back. “Fuck me harder, please.”

  The words sent a shiver down Alex’ back, and he immediately complied, thrusting into Nathan as hard as he could. He was unable to pull out, his knot swollen completely. It was too big and when he did pull back, Nathan soon whimpered in pain as the knot stretched his hole.

  Alex’ thrusts were fast and shallow, and he delighted in every noise Nathan made. He kept nuzzling Nathan’s neck, biting down softly every now and then, loving the way Nathan’s nails dug into his back. It urged him to fuck Nathan harder, faster, the way Alex needed to. The way Nathan needed him to.

  “Like this?” he murmured, his breath hot against Nathan’s neck, and he smiled when the other man shuddered underneath him. Nathan was close to coming, Alex could smell it, every part of him focused on Nathan’s scent.

  “Yes,” Nathan moaned. “Yes, like that, Alex, please!” He was clinging to Alex now, gasping in pleasure with every thrust.

  He refused to come before Nathan did, so Alex kept thrusting the way Nathan liked, loving the way Nathan’s noises grew more desperate, his scent more intense.

  Nathan came a few seconds later, his hole tightening around Alex’ dick and knot. His hands moved down Alex’ back, his nails scratching the skin.

  Alex barely noticed it, too wrapped it in his own orgasm now. The scent of Nathan’s come pushed him over the edge, and his groans joined Nathan’s.

  Nathan’s arms around him loosened until he let them drop on the bed. He was still panting as Alex lifted his head to look down. When Nathan smiled up at him, Alex smiled back and wondered if his own smile was as relaxed and blissful. “That was... that was something,” Nathan murmured.

  “Yeah,” Alex agreed. It had been a pretty intense orgasm for him too, and he had no idea if that had to do with Nathan or with him having a knot. But even as the pleasure from coming faded, the urge to take Nathan was strong.

  Nathan shifted underneath Alex, whimpering softly. “I can still feel it. We really are knotted, aren’t we?” he asked, surprise clear in his voice.

  He didn’t smell any panic or fear on Nathan, only arousal and contentment, now mixed with the strong scent of Nathan’s drying come. It had landed on their stomachs, making them stick together. Slowly Alex pushed himself off, wincing slightly. “I told you,” he said, hoping Nathan didn’t regret it. “Might take as long as an hour.” His eyes met Nathan’s, happy to see Nathan smile at him.

  “Chris never did last very long in bed.” Nathan’s grin was filthy.

  The mention of Chris made Alex growl. “No.”

  Nathan’s eyes widened. “O-okay, you’re the possessive type.”

  Alex sighed, feeling guilty at the slight fear in Nathan’s eyes. “Sorry, I’m just... I’m always on edge on these days. It’s the werewolf, he – he’s the possessive type, especially with Chris being here earlier and making a nuisance of himself.” Possessive didn’t even cover it. The wolf side of him wanted to mark Nathan, both with a few well-placed bites and by making sure his scent was all over Nathan, so no one else would even think of getting too close.

  “Protective,” Nathan said, smiling softly. The explanation had calmed him down. “That I can handle, just don’t go psycho on me.”

  Alex nodded, relieved. “No, none of that. Like I said, it’s only these couple of days, otherwise I’m perfectly normal.”

  Nathan didn’t reply, but he looked sceptical.

  “Mostly normal,” Alex amended. Being a werewolf had a slight effect on him the rest of the month as well. It had taken weeks before he had been used to the heightened senses. While those were especially strong during the days and nights he transformed, they were stronger than they used to be for the rest of the month. It had made living in the city difficult for a while, so many sounds and smells to deal with.

  Their current position was getting uncomfortable for Alex, so he rolled carefully to his side, bringing Nathan with him, then onto his back. This meant Nathan was on top of him now, straddling him, a sight Alex could definitely get used to. He sat up slightly, leaning back on his hands.

  Nathan whimpered as he got used to their new position. Being on top meant taking in more of Alex’ dick, and from the looks of it, Nathan liked that.

  Alex liked it too, his knot sliding deeper, still pressing against Nathan’s inner walls. He couldn’t wait for round two, the need to thrust up too strong to resist.

  Nathan gasped in surprise at Alex’ movement. “I’ll take ‘mostly’’,” he replied, after a moment. He put his hands on Alex’ shoulders, then ran them down his chest and across his flat stomach. He smi
led as his fingers brushed Alex’ sides, making Alex shiver. “Ticklish?”

  “A bit,” Alex said, and Nathan ran his fingers over the same spots, pressing down firmer, making him wince. “Hey!”

  Nathan laughed, then moaned as Alex’ movements drove his dick into Nathan’s ass again. “Oh!”

  Alex looked down and noticed Nathan’s dick hardening. He moved up again, grinning when Nathan whimpered. He took a firm hold of Nathan’s hips, thrusting up until Nathan was leaning against him, moans escaping with every breath.

  “Mm, let me,” Nathan managed, when Alex slowed his thrusts. Nathan pushed himself back, his hands on Alex’ chest, and he slowly started to grind his hips, his hard dick brushing against Alex’ stomach. “Oh, fuck, that’s good, your knot is –“ Nathan paused to shift slightly, and then he grinned. “Perfect!”

  Alex was too busy kissing every patch of Nathan’s skin he could reach, shoulders, chest, neck, chin, before finally reaching his mouth again. His hands wandered from Nathan’s hips to the curve of his ass, and he felt Nathan shiver as he squeezed firmly while Nathan kept moving and fucking himself. “I didn’t think,” he said, breaking the kiss, “you’d react like this.” Nathan’s curiosity had been unexpected, as was his current enthusiasm. Alex had thought Nathan would be at least a little freaked now it was clear the knot wasn’t going anywhere. He hadn’t expected it to be this intense, the constant warm, tight heat around his knot and his dick. All he could think about was fucking Nathan and satisfying both their needs thoroughly.

  Nathan moaned, then rested his forehead against Alex’. “Always was, mm, adventurous.”

  “Good,” Alex replied, and kissed Nathan again, panting for air as his orgasm came closer and closer. He was thrusting up into Nathan’s ass now, the two of them found a rhythm that made their pleasure grow. Nathan had wrapped both arms around Alex’ neck now, clinging to him as his hips kept moving up and down. Alex held him, one hand still on his buttock, the other on his back.

  “That’s it,” Nathan muttered, his hips moving faster now. “That’’s it, that’s it, that’s – Alex!” Nathan’s body clenched around Alex’ dick, almost painful around his knot.

  Alex kept fucking Nathan through his orgasm, both enjoying the whimpers and the approach of his own orgasm. Nathan’s come had, once again, landed on their chests and the sharp smell made Alex growl and thrust harder, his fingers digging into Nathan’s flesh to force him down.

  “Alex, please, careful,” Nathan managed, but Alex barely even heard him, too intent on his own need.

  He grunted as his orgasm washed over him, shorter than the first time, but also intense. Still breathing fast as he came down from the brief high, he realised just how tight he had grabbed Nathan, and relaxed his hands.

  Nathan winced with relief. “That’s going to leave a few bruises...”

  “I’m sorry,” Alex said, stroking the skin of Nathan’s back and the top of his ass where he had hurt him the most. “I didn’t think that was gonna happen.”

  “I was probably too busy coming to notice the first time round,” Nathan replied, still looking a little wild-eyed. “Guess I should be happy you don’t have claws or anything.”

  Alex gave him a wan smile. “Not until tonight, no.”

  Nathan smiled back, then glanced down. “About that... I was kinda wondering about, y’know, how you got turned into a werewolf in the first place.”

  He really should’ve seen that question coming. “And you’re asking me while I’ve got my dick up your ass?” he asked. Talk about awkward timing.

  Nathan shrugged, briefly glancing up to meet Alex’ eyes. “I wanted to ask you earlier, but I thought that might make you leave.” And he clearly hadn’t wanted Alex to leave.

  “So you waited until I couldn’t,” Alex replied, raising an eyebrow. “Clever.”

  Nathan shifted in Alex’ lap, briefly wincing in pain. After two orgasms, his hole had to be almost painfully sensitive and the knot wasn’t helping. “Well?” he asked expectantly. “Are you going to tell me?”

  Alex nodded. “There’s not much to tell,” he replied, idly stroking Nathan’s lower back. “I was out in the woods during a full moon. I’d been camping with a few friends and late at night I wandered off to take a leak. One of the werewolves got me.” He still remembered the fear from that night as he’d been chased down and bitten in his calf, thinking he was about to die. But after one bite, the wolf had backed off and let out a pitiful whine before running off. “My friends got me to the hospital, I was called an idiot for wandering off the proper campsite and told I was lucky to survive.”

  “I guess you were,” Nathan replied, his eyes soft. “It could’ve been worse, there’s lots of wild animals in these woods.”

  He had told himself that as well. “I shouldn’t have wandered off so far. The pack knows to stay away from the cabins and the campsite. When one of them noticed me, they couldn’t resist the chase.” Just as he had been unable to resist chasing the hiker earlier that evening. “It was an accident.” He had called it that before, but only now did he understand. Now he had come close to biting someone, unable to control the instincts of the wolf. “Stephen was inconsolable for a good few months.” When he saw Nathan’s frown, he added, ““he bit me. He felt incredibly guilty over it.” And Alex had been too busy with his own anger and confusion to deal with Stephen as well. Nowadays, the two of them mostly ignored each other. It wasn’t difficult, they had plenty of forest to roam in. Maybe it was time to change that.

  “I can imagine he did.” Nathan remained quiet after that, clearly thinking about something. “Do you think that maybe I could study you? Not right now,” he quickly added when Alex frowned. “Just at some point in the future. Because come on, Alex, werewolves! Werewolves right on my doorstep, I’d have to crazy not to want to study you...” He trailed off, his hands running down Alex’ chest. “You heal fast, your dick changes... what else does? How does it work?”

  Alex took Nathan’s wrists and removed them from his chest. “You are not,” he said firmly, resisting the urge to squeeze Nathan’’s wrists tighter and tighter, “treating me and my pack like a science experiment.” He would rather die than let that happen, and he hoped that Nathan had merely chosen his words poorly. “Humans aren’t supposed to know about us. You only know because you locked me up.”

  “Right.” Nathan looked down at his hands, and he smelled more scared now. “I didn’t – I don’t mean you and the other werewolves any harm, okay? I wouldn’t do that to a human, or to an animal, or to something...” He nodded significantly at Alex. “Something that’s both. I’m a vet, I can’t help but be a little curious. Wouldn’t you be in my position?”

  Alex let go of Nathan’s wrists, but remained cautious. On the one hand, Nathan had taken care of him after hitting him. On the other hand, Nathan had plenty of tranquilisers to subdue Alex with if he truly wanted to. “I would be curious, yes, but I wouldn’t start planning the scientific experiments immediately.”

  “I’m sorry,” Nathan said, looking embarrassed and guilty. “It didn’t come out right. I don’t want to lock you guys in a lab, I just... I want to know more about you, that’s all. What if one of your pack mates gets sick in a way fast healing can’t take care of? Or shot? The wound might heal, but what if a bullet gets stuck in your body? And you –” Nathan poked Alex in the chest now, almost angry now. “You were helpless when I hit you. You were unconscious, unable to turn back. What if you’d been hit by a truck? Wouldn’t be the first time there’s road kill on that road.”

  “That’s nature,” Alex replied, dumbfounded by Nathan’s response. “It happens to wild animals.”

  “But you’re not a wild animal,” Nathan shot back, gesturing emphatically.

  This was ridiculous. Here they were, completely naked, Alex’ dick hard and throbbing in Nathan’s ass, still knotted together and Nathan seemed more interested in science than sex. Although, as Alex replayed Nathan’s outburst, he realised that
it wasn’t just about the science. “You want to be our vet,” he said, and laughed.

  Nathan’s cheeks flushed. “What? No! I mean, kinda?” He bit his lip. “It seems like you could use one on occasion. What about hunting season? I’ve had to treat dogs who got stuck in traps, what if –”

  “Nathan,” Alex muttered, both hands on Nathan’s cheeks now, holding him in place, “shut up.” He leaned closer to kiss a surprised Nathan. This was definitely ridiculous. The vet’s first reaction to knowing there was a werewolf pack in the area was to want to take care of them. He felt warmed thoroughly by that, liked how Nathan kept surprising him.

  Nathan still looked flushed by the time he broke the kiss. “Uhm, so you’re not angry?” he asked, smiling hopefully.

  “I’m not.”

  “But?” Nathan urged him.

  “But I can’t exactly say ‘oh sure, you’re our pack’s vet now, we’ll all be by tomorrow for our rabies shots’,” Alex told him. “I’d have to talk with the others about that.” He suspected they wouldn’t like it, but that over time Nathan would be able to earn their trust. The pack knew the area and the town, and Nathan had proved himself to be honest so far.

  “No, I get that, I do,” Nathan immediately said, looking relieved. “It’s a lot to ask.”

  Alex moved his hands to stroke Nathan’s hair, the other down his chest towards his half-hard dick. “So how about we go back to nicer things, hmm?” He wrapped his hand around Nathan’s dick, pumping it up and down slowly, grinning as Nathan’s mouth fell open and a quiet moan escaped.

  Nathan started to grind down on Alex’ dick again, moaning louder as he thrust up into Alex’ fist.

  Alex curled the hand in Nathan’s hair into a fist too, holding him as Alex kissed and sucked a wet path down the column of Nathan’s throat.

  “Alex, please, I –” Nathan whimpered, moving faster and faster.