Three Wild Werewolf Tales Read online

Page 8

  Their little break had renewed their energy and Alex thrust up, making the bed creak underneath them as Nathan’s movements became more erratic. He bit down softly on Nathan’s shoulder, groaning at the sweet smell of sex, arousal and come. And soon, there’d be more. Nathan was close to coming a third time, and so was Alex.

  Nathan’s hands were on Alex’ shoulders, clinging to him desperately. “Yes,” he hissed, and continued to moan. “So fucking close, so – so – oh fuck!” Nathan came hard and fast, some come still forced out of his dick, less than the first two times.

  Alex felt the nails dig into his skin, the brief pain pushing him over the edge as he felt and heard Nathan come. He pulled on Nathan’s hair, tightening his fist around Nathan’s sensitive dick. His teeth grazed Nathan’s shoulder, but Alex was careful not to bite down too hard.

  Nathan slumped against him when Alex released his grip on Nathan’s hair. “You said you only had the knot a few days of the month, right?”

  “Yeah,” Alex replied, wrapping one arm around Nathan to steady him and letting go of his dick too.

  “Mm, good, I don’t think I could take it if you knotted me every time,” Nathan replied. “Don’t get me wrong,” he immediately continued, “it feels awesome but seriously, three times in...” He paused to look at the clock. “Half an hour is a bit much. I feel raw, in a way.”

  Alex could imagine that, and he hoped Nathan wouldn’t squirm too much in his lap, because after his third orgasm any sensation was too much his dick right now. And yet he still felt horny, his knot swollen, his body not yet satisfied. “I know,” he said, rubbing Nathan’s back. The conversation had taken his mind off it, but now it was all he could think about. It had to be because of the knot, he didn’t usually feel like this after three orgasms. Normally, he’d want to settle down for a nap, but now he felt restless. He hoped Nathan felt the same.

  Nathan was leaning heavily against him. “Can we lie down?”

  Carefully, Alex shifted and Nathan moved with him until Nathan was lying on his back again, Alex above him. “Better?”

  “Mm, yes,” Nathan replied, looking perfectly content. “How much longer do you think?”

  Alex suspected that time wasn’t the most important factor, it was more likely that his knot wouldn’t go down until he felt satisfied. At least Nathan didn’t sound impatient. “Not any time soon,” he replied. He needed at least one more orgasm, and now that they were in the same position as the first round, Alex wanted to thrust into Nathan’s body right now. “Are you ready for more?” he asked. He didn’t wait for Nathan’s answer and pushed in.

  “Fuck!” Nathan cried out, shuddering. “Fuck, Alex!”

  Alex grunted, thrusting again. It was like a chase, except instead of a rabbit he was chasing pleasure. The adrenaline, the need, the inability to think of anything else but what he wanted, needed, took over.

  “Keep going,” Nathan gasped, eyes fluttering shut. His dick was becoming hard again, Alex felt it brush against his stomach as he took Nathan as hard as he could.

  He groaned, frustrated that he couldn’t pull out to push in hard and deep. Fucking Nathan was almost painful now, his dick too sensitive. And yet he couldn’t stop, because he needed this, needed to hear Nathan’s moans, needed to feel the raw pleasure rip through him. He whimpered softly, his hips moving faster, a relentless rhythm that drove both of them towards an inevitable orgasm.

  “I can’t – can’t do this,” Nathan sobbed, his voice desperate and hoarse.

  “You can,” Alex assured him, stroking Nathan’s cheek and brushing a few strands of hair away from his damp forehead. “Nathan, look at me.” He needed Nathan’s eyes on his, wanted Nathan to know he wasn’t the only one feeling the raw pain along with the ecstasy.

  Nathan listened. “Please,” he whimpered.

  Alex nodded, knowing what Nathan wanted. “I got you.” He was going to make sure that Nathan would enjoy this, even now. “Focus on how good it feels.”

  “Mm, I am, but – but faster,” Nathan told him. “Need to come, Alex, please.”

  Alex thrust in as fast and hard as he could manage. He needed to come too, he needed this to be over before he fucked his dick raw. “Nathan,” he grunted, burying his head in Nathan’s shoulder, nipping at his skin.

  It didn’t take much longer for Nathan to come, shuddering and grunting his way through what looked like a painful orgasm.

  Alex kept fucking as Nathan let out a sob. He was still chasing his orgasm, but he was close now, ever so close. Only a few more hard, sharp thrusts, and he was coming as well, pain and pleasure hitting him hard and Alex clawed at the sheets underneath Nathan. As his orgasm faded, a deep satisfaction came over him. His arms couldn’t hold his weight, and he was resting on top of Nathan now.

  “Fucking hell,” Nathan muttered, exhausted.

  Alex groaned in agreement. He felt tired and pleased, and more than ready for a nap.

  Nathan shifted underneath him, and Alex carefully rolled them onto their sides. Nathan let out a grateful noise. “That was...”

  “I know.” Alex lay still as he felt his knot slowly but surely shrink again. It was a strange feeling, like his dick turning flaccid but stronger, somehow, and it took longer.

  Nathan felt it too, judging by the surprised look on his face. “Okay, that’s weird.”

  Alex snorted. “Oh, now you’re calling my dick weird.” He moved his hips back, then stopped when Nathan gasped in pain. “Still too big?”

  “Yeah,” Nathan said, wincing. “Let’s wait a bit.”

  Alex waited patiently, and when he thought his knot was almost down to how it how small it had been before, he tried again. It slipped out with a soft, wet noise, making Nathan gasp while Alex could only stare down in surprise. The knot, while smaller, was still a sizeable bulb and he was relieved he’d been able to get it out. He rolled onto his back, stretching his arms and legs, waiting for the bulb to recede entirely. Smiling at Nathan, he reached out to wrap one arm around him and pull him closer.

  Nathan grinned back, settling against Alex’ side. “Fucking hell.”

  “You said that already,” Alex replied, stroking Nathan’s back and laughing when Nathan lightly punched his arm. “Hey.”

  “I’ve just had the most thorough fuck of my life, my brain’s still processing,” Nathan muttered, his free arm across Alex’ chest.

  Alex didn’t blame him. His own thinking was sluggish as well. What he did notice, though, was the drying come on his own stomach and Nathan’s chest. He moaned happily at the scent, at knowing how good this had been for the both of them, and held Nathan tighter.

  Nathan, however, had different ideas, and pulled a face when his arm brushed the come on Alex’ stomach. “Ugh, we’re gonna need a shower.””

  No, not yet. He didn’t want to wash his scent off of Nathan already. “You mean you’re able to move?” Because he sure as hell wasn’t ready to stand up and walk out.

  “Don’t want to,” Nathan muttered.

  Alex closed his eyes. This was very nice, a warm body against his own, a deep contentment down to his bones and a hope that Nathan wouldn’t mind doing this again some time. “Good.”

  “You got any plans for today?” Nathan asked, after a brief silence.

  “Not really,” he replied. His usual way of spending the days in between transformations was to get some rest, make sure to eat plenty and catch up with the other werewolves. Of course, he’d have to explain what happened to him last night, but Richard knew he was safe, so there was no real rush. He glanced over at the clock. It was only a little after twelve, plenty of time.

  “I was thinking,” Nathan said quietly, “that after we have a shower we could go into town, grab lunch? Or coffee?”

  He had to smile at that, at how tentative Nathan sounded. They’d just had amazing sex, why wouldn’t he want to get something to eat with the other man? “I’ve only got the sweatpants you loaned me, though,” he replied, after thinking it over. He�
��d have to get to the cabin and get a change of clothes, and that would mean having to talk to the others.

  “True.” Nathan sighed. “Hadn’t thought of that.”

  “I do want to meet up,” Alex assured him. “I just need to get my things first, and explain.” He didn’t think that would take him hours.

  “Good.” Nathan pressed a kiss against his shoulders. “You should let them all know you’re fine.”

  “Yeah, no thanks to you,” Alex joked, and laughed when Nathan punched his arm again in the same spot. “Ow!”

  Nathan sniggered. “And then I took care of you, didn’t I?”

  “You did,” Alex said softly, moving his head to kiss Nathan’s forehead. He’d never been happier to have been hit by a car.

  Nathan raised his head to smile down at Alex. “So, agreed? Shower, you get your things and talk to the other werewolves and you’ll call me when you’re done?”

  Alex nodded. “Sounds like a plan, except for one thing.”


  “We take it easy in bed for at least half an hour.” He didn’t just want that to rest, he wanted it because he liked being cuddled up with Nathan, and judging by the way Nathan was smiling, the other man liked it too.

  “I think I can manage that,” Nathan replied happily, resting his head on Alex’ shoulder and shifting to get more comfortable. “I can definitely manage that.”

  Saved Wolf

  by Calandra Hunter

  Copy right 2014 Calandra Hunter

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or deal, is purely coincidental.


  There were far better ways to spend his Saturday afternoon, Stephen thought to himself as he glared at Richard. Richard, who had transformed from wolf into man right in front of another human. Oh, sure, the older werewolf had explained himself to the rest of the pack. It had been necessary, Sean the lost hiker would never have come down from his place high in a tree otherwise, it wouldn’t have been safe.

  Stephen snorted, and glanced at the other members of their pack. Holly and Peter were the eldest, a married couple in their fifties who didn’t look impressed with Richard either. Then there were the two sisters, Karen and Lily. The two blonde women were in their thirties and had been born werewolves. Their parents had moved out of town some years ago, and had been members of the pack as well. Karen had shaken her head during Richard’s explanation, while Lily’s face had remained impassive.

  The seventh and final member of their pack, Alex, looked nervous as Richard tried to explain. Stephen could smell the nerves on him, and even without his heightened werewolf senses he would’ve noticed Alex’ anxiety. “So, let me see if I’ve got this clear,” Stephen said, folding his arms and looking at Richard. He was about as tall as the older man, though not as broad. “Alex here couldn’t resist chasing down a lost hiker, you step in to scare Alex off, the hiker climbs a tree and the only way you can think of to get the hiker out of it is to transform in front of him? Rather than oh, I don’t know, run away? Maybe warn us to stay away from that area? Ask us to keep an eye on Alex so he doesn’t go after the hiker again?”

  “Well, if you put it like that, I sound like an idiot,” Richard argued, looking at the other werewolves for support.

  “You were an idiot,” Holly replied, her grey eyes stern. “We don’t reveal ourselves to humans. Ever.”

  “Alex was close to biting Sean!”

  “And you chased him off.” Holly still wasn’t impressed. “The hiker was safe. Scared, but safe.”

  “I wanted to make sure he stayed safe,” Richard argued. “Come on, Alex, help me out here.”

  “Richard’s got a point,” Alex said. As the newest member of their pack, he usually remained quiet during disputes. “He made sure the hiker was safe, there’s no harm done.”

  Stephen didn’t like arguing with Alex. He had bitten Alex a few years ago, back when he had been the one unable to resist chasing a tempting human. He still felt guilty over it, especially as Alex avoided him most of the time. “We know he did it to protect, what was his name, Sean? We know that. It just wasn’t the best way to handle it.” He sighed, and ran a hand across his face. He was still tired from his night running around as a wolf, and there’d still be two more nights. “Look, we can’t change the past, so we’re gonna have to deal with it. Richard, you said the hiker reacted positively?”

  “Very,” Richard replied, grinning meaningfully. The smell of sex on him had been obvious.

  Lily rolled her eyes. “And you mentioned he’d be staying for two more nights?”

  “That’s right. Now, Sean wouldn’t do that if he was scared of werewolves, right? He’s not gonna leave and tell everyone he got fucked by a werewolf. They’ll think he’s crazy,” Richard explained. “He’s looking for a little fun, I’m looking for a little fun.” He sighed, dropping his pleased smile. “I screwed up, I admit that. But I saw him, smelled how scared he was. I wanted to assure him that he was safe now. Besides, all he knows is that I’m a werewolf, he’s got no idea any of you are wolves too.”

  “Well, don’t let it happen again,” Peter grumbled. “And if we hear of any rumours your boy’s been spreading, we’ll hunt him down.”

  Richard gulped. “Yes, sir.”

  “And what about you, son?” Peter asked, turning his steely glare to Alex. “Richard mentioned something about you having been in an accident?”

  Alex’ cheeks turned a little red. He had smelled of sex as well, which had Stephen wondering what sort of accident he’d been involved in. That, combined with the obvious nerves, led Stephen to a worrying conclusion. “One with a human,” he said. “You’ve been found out too, haven’t you?”

  Karen swore while her sister closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose in clear irritation. Peter grumbled something, no doubt also some curses while Holly’s expression turned stony. “Is that true?”

  Alex nodded. “I’m sorry, after Richard chased me off I wasn’t careful as I crossed the road and I got hit by a car.”

  “So?” Peter demanded. “You crawl into a ditch and rest until you feel better, didn’t we teach you that?”

  “I was run over by the vet!” Alex exclaimed. “And then I - I passed out. Next thing I knew I woke up, muzzled and in the back of his car.”

  Stephen struggled not to laugh, and from the corner of his eye he saw Lily’s mouth twitch too. “You spent the night in the vet’s office? You still got your balls, Alex?”

  “Yes,” Alex said, briefly narrowing his eyes at Stephen. “Since I can’t turn back, I figured my best option was to play docile so he wouldn’t sedate me. He locked me in a dog crate I couldn’t escape from, and early this morning he came in to check on the animals and found me.”

  “Still in the dog crate?” Karen asked.

  “Yes,” Alex replied, his cheeks red with embarrassment. “I explained things to him and I, er, he made me breakfast.”

  Amongst others, clearly, or else Alex wouldn’t have been this late. “I’m guessing the vet’s reaction to you being a werewolf was, ah, as positive as Sean’s was to Richard?” He smirked when Alex’ flush deepened.

  “Yeah, pretty much.” He sighed. “How about we all get the mocking over with now? I’m sorry, I should’ve been more careful.”

  “The local vet, you said?” Peter asked, looking thoughtful. “You don’t mean Doctor Brook?”

  “Nathan Brook, yeah,” Alex replied. “Why?”

  Peter and Holly exchanged a glance. “He’s all right,” she said. “Was great with our Skipper three weeks ago.” Skipper was the couple’s Golden Retriever, and Stephen vaguely remembered them saying the dog hadn’t been well.

  “It could be worse,” Peter reluctantly admitted
. “How did he react to the existence of werewolves?”

  “Uhm,” Alex said, and Stephen could tell he was trying to figure out what Peter and Holly wanted him to say. “He was curious, mostly. Asked me about a dozen questions while I was - busy.”

  Curious was better than angry. It was also better than enthusiastic. The last thing Stephen wanted was someone joining their pack who had an over-romanticised idea of werewolves. He’d already been relieved Richard’s hiker wasn’t that type of person, and it seemed that Alex’ vet wasn’t either. Still, Stephen remained wary. “Curious how?”

  “Oh, you know, about the biology, the science of it all,” Alex said. “He wanted to know how it works. I mean, the guy’s a vet, you can’t blame him for being interested.” Despite his best attempts at acting casual, there was still some shiftiness to his posture.

  “And what else?” Stephen asked. There was something Alex wasn’t telling them yet.

  Alex remained quiet for a long moment as the others looked at him expectantly. “He, er, sort of offered to, if we need it, not that we have to, but he could be, y’know, our vet.”

  Stephen stared at Alex, not sure if he should laugh or get angry. “A vet?” he asked. Why would they need a vet? They healed fast and, ignoring Alex’ idiocy from last night, could take care of themselves. If they needed helped, there was the rest of the pack. “What for?”

  “Emergencies?” Alex tried, but Peter huffed.

  “We don’t need a vet, even if Doctor Brook is good at what he does,” the older man said. “You let him know that we won’t be needing his services.”

  “For ourselves,” Holly added, shooting her husband a quick glance. “Besides, werewolves aren’t like normal wolves or dogs. What if he tries to treat us, but makes it worse?”

  That was definitely a risk. “Thank him for the offer, though,” Stephen said. There was no point angering the vet, not if he knew about them. “And, well, if you don’t mind him treating you if you get hurt or feel sick, go ahead. We can’t decide that for you.” He was happy to see Alex smile gratefully at him. “He knows about werewolves, nothing we can do about that.”